
I don’t care if you’re an absolute social butterfly, everyone has their lonely times – some more than others but loneliness can be a common theme throughout the uni years. This week has been a particularly lonely week for me, being my second week back fully immersed into my studies after the Christmas break has really got me down. However, after the last three years I have become quite the loneliness guru! I spend A LOT of time by myself at uni, it’s got to the point where I have got too used to my own company. Don’t get me wrong I would rather be with my friends but I don’t struggle as much as I used to, so here’s some of my tips to help with feeling lonely at uni:


I have music on all the time, unless I am doing uni work. I will have Spotify open whether it’s being played through my laptop, my tablet or my phone, it’s constant. It just breaks up the silence, for example, if you’re walking somewhere or cooking your mind can wander and sometimes that is the worst thing for loneliness. Also music makes you feel good. I know when I have something on in the background my spirits are definitely raised and as students we can get discounted Spotify premium.

Uni Work

I know it’s not the most thrilling thing to do but having a lack of social life has some perks! If you have nothing to do why not get some work done, even just a bit of research keeps your mind ticking and you’re being productive. You’ll be thankful when it gets to later on in the semester and everyone else is stressing because they are so behind!


Keep your weekends full. At the moment my weekends are full of dissertation, except for this weekend when I’m going to Manchester for my best friends 21st. Having things planned for the weekend helps you to have something to look forward to! It also gives me something to day dream about when I’m supposed to be taking notes in my lectures…

I have learnt the hard way that you can’t magic friends out of nowhere and at times the loneliness has really got to me but it’s all about keeping yourself and your mind busy, by doing this it helps the time pass quicker. I remember when I was in my 1st year and I would stay up all night and sleep all day just so the days would pass quicker. I do not recommend this, it is not healthy and not practical – get yourself a routine, find a job, go to the gym, do some work and I can assure you, you’ll be finished in no time.

Image result for hope you're okay tumblr

Hope you’re okay!

Emilia x





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