The Chivalrous Gent

I have been quite ill all week so I have really been getting into my daytime TV, Loose Women is a personal fave alongside This Morning with Holly and Philip! I love it, particularly as I don’t have a TV or a TV licence at uni so when I’m at home I can take advantage of my parents’. Anyway, there I was on Thursday morning watching Loose Women and they were chatting about chivalry and whether they believe it is dead or not.

The topic arose from the images of Barack and Michelle Obama and Donald and Melania Trump attending an event. The difference in the gentlemen’s chivalry was astonishing, although why am I not surprised by Trumps lack of chivalry….but that’s an entirely different kettle of fish! Obama opened the car door for his wife and waited for her so they could walk up together, however, Trump got straight out the car and walked up by himself leaving his wife to walk up by herself.

Image result for trump and obama chivalry is dead

The Loose Women ladies had split opinions about the chivalry of the two gentlemen and I just thought it was interesting how women’s opinions can be so polar opposite, you can watch the clip here. Every relationship is different and what may be normal to you may not be normal to the next person, however, their point was whether women expect old fashioned chivalry from their man.

I personally don’t think anything should be expected in a relationship, I believe chivalry goes hand-in-hand with politeness and it is purely just good manners. In that case it works both ways, why should chivalry be expected of the man when manners costs nothing. I would like a man to open the door for me however, I would also open the door for an elderly women so where does politeness end and where does chivalry begin. I think relationships should be equal, it takes two to tango!

I don’t believe chivalry is dead but I feel that relationships are completely different to how they were in the olden days. I wish I had been born in my grandma’s era, everything seemed so much simpler then! My grandma and granddad met each other at a local dance, they began courting and then got married and had five children, that sounds perfect to me – but I’m just a hopeless romantic.


Image result for hopeless romantic tumblr
Image from


Anyway, I’m rambling but I just find things like this ever so interesting. Hope you found it interesting too!

Emilia x



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